
Have You got Life Insurance?

My husband got life insurance when he had just started his career. I used to fight with him why he had to take term life insurance so early, we should enjoy our life as much as we can. We have a whole lifetime to think about the future. He would always give the same answer" we don't know what the future holds for us. And I don't want you or our kids( we didn't have any) to suffer when I am gone. I would snub his argument and sulk whenever I saw the life insurance quotes in his bank statement. Now after my daughter is born, I understand the importance of planning. I can't suffer the thought that my daughter would have to face problems when I and her father are gone. It is always wise to get a life insurance as early as possible, you never know when your call comes.



5 February 2009 at 08:17

Great post and thanks for linking over to those sites. I personally only like shopping for insurance when I watch insurance videos but maybe thats because I am idiot :)

Keep up the blogging!